All advisors at 华人博彩论坛 are expected to review and complete the 学术顾问培训 which covers the foundations of 学术顾问, student development 理论, advising diverse student populations, making referrals, and advising and retention tools.
咨询不等于注册: although registration is an integral part of 学术顾问, it is not the only 组件. Advisors are champions of student success and should aim to build meaningful relationships with students to guide them along their academic and career pathways. 作为其职责的一部分,顾问应该:
- Introduce themselves and provide contact information, office hours, and appointment 调度指令
- Check in with their students throughout the semester to see how they are doing
- 熟悉当前的法规、政策和项目要求
- Assist students with course planning, program information and degree requirements, and provide resources and information to help encourage and promote academic progress
- Provide an interactive, collaborative and encouraging environment based on mutual 信任、尊重和开放的沟通
- Foster an environment of shared responsibility and encourage students to be active 咨询关系中的合作伙伴
- Make appropriate referrals when needed and collaborate with student support services 确保学生的个别需要得到识别和处理
- Familiarize themselves with the general practice of advising supported by 理论
- Be consistent with procedures and tools when working with their respective students, e.g.、学生策划
Astin's 理论 of involvement states that students who interact with advisors, particularly early-on in their education feel a stronger sense of college satisfaction and connection 对大学的贡献比其他任何形式的参与都要大. 这可能会产生积极的影响 对保留率的影响. 对于许多学生来说,与导师的关系将是他们的一部分 the first adult relationships they develop outside of those with their parents, and through these interactions, they will cultivate confidence and comfort with their 顾问在未来出现问题时挺身而出.
Through working with advisors, students get one on one support customized to their strengths and weaknesses which is advantageous when planning courses within the curriculum 或者确定学生可能从辅导中受益的领域. 顾问可以 identify strengths to compose letters of recommendation to support pre-professional endeavors or help students plan for long-term goals which may include professional 或者研究生院.g.,根据潜在的研究兴趣选择哪些课程 as well as introduce students to the standards of the field and provide students an opportunity to learn about potential internships, research opportunities, field-specific scholarships, internships, conferences, and or graduate and professional school program 准备.
顾问可以 also integrate 组件s of career development into their work and assist students with navigating job searches, preparing for industry interviews, and exploring 与专业相关的各种职业道路. 有关职业发展资源,请华人博彩论坛 参观 职业发展中心 网站.
全国学术咨询协会NACADA强调 七大核心价值观1 这应该指导所有顾问的工作:
- 有爱心的
- 承诺
- 赋权
- 包容性
- 完整性
- 专业
- 尊重
In addition to the 七大核心价值观 above, effective advisors have a general familiarity 由三个内容区域组成 学术咨询的核心能力 2. 这些都是:
- 概念成分 (学术顾问必须理解的概念): 学术指导的历史, NACADA的 核心价值观, 理论、战略 预期成果 提供建议,创造公平包容的环境
- 信息组件 (知识学术顾问必须掌握):机构 使命、历史和价值观对…大致熟悉 课程、学位课程和学术要求; 机构及联邦政策(FERPA),特别是熟悉当前人口的需要 我们自己的,以及相关咨询技术的知识
- 关系组件 (skills academic advisors must demonstrate): articulate a personal advising philosophy, build meaningful connections, be respectful, plan successful advising interactions, promote student understanding of curriculum, foster problem solving, decision making, and goal setting, and engage in assessment of advising practice and continued self-development.
除了上述资源,NACADA还提供了各种 新顾问的资源 which individuals may find helpful when navigating the field of advising for the 第一次或者如果他们需要对最佳实践进行复习.
1NACADA:全球学术咨询社区. (2017). NACADA的核心价值观
学术顾问. 从检索 http://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Resources/Pillars/CoreValues.aspx
2NACADA:全球学术咨询社区. (2017). NACADA学术咨询
核心能力模型. http://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Resources/Pillars/CoreCompetencies.aspx
华人博彩论坛 accepts 70 college credits from two-year institutions and 在四年制大学学习90个小时. 结果,一个即将到来的转学生 to SXU could be as close as one year away from graduation when entering the institution.
The path to completion is much shorter for transfer students and advisors will need to conduct intentional outreach as soon as possible for the student to reap the benefits of the student-faculty relationship, including field-specific scholarship information, career guidance within the discipline, graduate and professional school 准备, 以及实习探索方面的建议.
请参阅 通过Canvas进行顾问培训 for detailed information regarding the various tools available for Academic Advising.
学生的计划 is the official University advising tool which gives advisors and students an overview 进度和课程完成情况. 这个工具可以让学生更好地控制自己的行为 学术规划流程. 如果你对学生计划有任何疑问,请 与记录和注册办公室联系,电话 registrarFREESXU.
Canvas 可以作为课程指导之外的咨询工具吗. 每一个学术 advisor has a course shell that consists of their academic advisees which can be used to share helpful content and information with students and make genuine connections.
保持警惕 is the University case management system that is used to alert others of the first 学业问题的迹象. 有关滞留提醒的帮助,请联系学生 支持 studentsupportFREESXU.
不知道该联系谁? For a list of campus resources and services, along with their contact information, 请使用以下连结:
- 为有色人种学生提供建议
- 学术顾问的多元文化意识问题
- When Black Girl Magic Isn't Enough: Supporting Black College Women through Advising 和指导
- 坐着站着:学术建议的教育时刻
- 为高等教育中的LGBTQ学生提供建议
- 建议LGBTQ学生运动员
- 为残疾学生提供建议
- Building Undocumented Student Support in Higher Education through a Culturally-Responsive 镜头
- 为国际学生提供建议
- Empowering First-Generation Students through Personal Experience and Intrusive Advising